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Java VirusTotal API

We strive to develop an API for our systems to obtain confirmation if the artifact was sent really is a threat to the user, providing more information to analysts who are using our systems. As we can see, some API’s found on the Internet are used to own VirusTotal Web system to collect reports, and thus outside the standards recommended by the administrators of VirusTotal system. Our team together with the VirusTotal team developed an API in Java that makes sending local files to the VirusTotal, fully compatible with version 2.0 of VirusTotal API, making it easier for our system and obtaining results of files. Thinking about all this, our team has developed the Java VirusTotalAPI.

For send files to VirusTotal recommend that before an send the file, make one call to verify that no longer has the analyzed artifact, thus avoiding overloading of VirusTotal systems, we can verify the existence with the following code:

Example GetResponseScan

If not there is a scan log artifact, can make the shipment with the following code:

Example SendFileScan

We remember that VirusTotal systems do not accept more than 4 requests per minute for free API Keys.

Total virus is a Google subsidiary company can be found at www.virustotal.com

Copyright Mauricio Pampim Corrêa and XLabs Security www.xlabs.com.br

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